Die Identifisering van die Elementêre Grondbegrippe in die Wiskunde


  • D. C. J. Wessels, Prof.


The identification of the basic elementary concepts in mathematics is an important subject-philosophical deepening of the analysis of the real nature of mathematics. Through thorough analysis the analogies between the arithmetical aspect, the spatial aspect, the kinematic, the physical and the biotic apsects are determined and developed. A number of anticipations and retrocipations were identified and analysed in a domainspecific way in mathematics. They are the actual or at-once infinite, environment, number of dimensions, factual size, point continuum, dimension number, imaginary number units, complex number functions, differentiation and integration. An account is also given of the theoretical divergent views on the nature and existence of each of these basic elementary concepts.



How to Cite

Wessels, D. C. J. (2006). Die Identifisering van die Elementêre Grondbegrippe in die Wiskunde. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 42(4), 171-205. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/87



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