In search of a ‘new morality’ for South African education – Part VII

Values Education: Objectives with possible national appeal


  • P. G. Schoeman University of the Free State, South Africa


Die doel van hierdie artikel is om enkele alles-omvattende doelstellings vir opvoeding in lewenswaardes in ons land te identifiseer. Dergelike doelstellings moet vanselfs prekend op die meerderheid van ons landsburgers appelleer. Sulke alles-insluitende doelstellings vorm die raamwerke waarbinne alle ander (korttermyn en onmiddellike) doelstellings hulle diepste fundering vind. As uiteindelike en alles-insluitende doelstelling vir opvoeding in die meerderheid van moderne samelewings sal die ideaal van ? regverdige staatsbedeling waarin vrye, gelyke, gelykberegtigde, kritiesingestelde, verstandige, krities-denkende en ingeligte landsburgers in vrede saam leef waarskynlik ? baie wye appel uitoefen. Hierdie aangeleentheid sal in die onderhawige dokument bespreek word.

The aim of this paper is to identify some all-inclusive objectives for values education in our country. These should naturally appeal to the majority of our citizens. Such all-encompassing educational aims form the parameters within which all other (immediate and proximate) goals will ultimately receive their deepest meaning. As final and all-encompassing objective for values education in any
community, the ideal of a just state where free, equal, impartially treated, like-minded, critically disposed and sensible, well-informed citizens live in peace seems to have a universal appeal. This matter will be discussed in the following article.



How to Cite

Schoeman, P. G. (2012). In search of a ‘new morality’ for South African education – Part VII: Values Education: Objectives with possible national appeal. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 48(3-4), 377-392. Retrieved from



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