Die Bestudering van die Vakgeskiedenis – ’n Christelike Perspektief


  • J. H. de Klerk


It has previously been argued that although one cannot speak of “Christian Mathematics” as such, it is definitely possible to have a Christian perspective on the mathematical sciences. Moreover, it is also possible to teach these subjects in a Christian way. As has been illustrated, one methodology of doing this is by using as framework the so-called viewpoint of science in context. However, some questions might be raised concerning this methodology; especially whether one has in fact succeeded in bringing a Christian perspective on the subject or whether one has only succeeded in giving a perspective next to the subject. The possibility of introducing the history of the subject – specifically Classical Mechanics in the present case – into the subject in order to give a sharper Christian perspective is discussed in this paper. The thesis is that introducing the history of the subject into the subject will help attaining a better perspective on the subject.



How to Cite

de Klerk, J. H. (2003). Die Bestudering van die Vakgeskiedenis – ’n Christelike Perspektief. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 39(3 - 4), 175-189. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/21



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