Persoonlike Waardes en die Effektiewe Gebruik van Beloning tydens Gedragsbestuur: ’n Interpretiewe Perspektief


  • A. Ferreira, Dr
  • A. Wilkinson


Effectively to manage and to support learner behaviour constitute important facets of a quality education. Although literature indicates that the use of reward is an effective strategy to influence behaviour positively, it nonetheless seems that the use of punishment remains the first choice for many teachers in dealing with disciplinary problems. Despite the fact that it is not possible to reconcile a biblically based perception of the human being with classical behaviorism, a Christian teacher may still use modern behaviouristic principles in a responsible manner. This study, approached from the perspective of qualitative and interpretative methods, investigated the role of teachers’ personal values and convictions related to managing learner behaviour, especially the impact of these teacher constructs on the way they reward learners. In this regard, the following aspects are discussed: criticism expressed against the use of reward, teacher values versus the values of positive discipline, reward versus bribery, the use of reward in an attempt to encourage altruism, as well as the difference between reward and reinforcement. In addition, the impact of  learner values on disciplinary processes is also briefly explored. If the values and convictions of teachers are not dealt with in pre-service training and the professional development of teachers, the current situation where schools’ codes of conduct and classroom practices are not aligned, may persist.



How to Cite

Ferreira, A., & Wilkinson, A. (2009). Persoonlike Waardes en die Effektiewe Gebruik van Beloning tydens Gedragsbestuur: ’n Interpretiewe Perspektief. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 45(1 - 2), 107-126. Retrieved from



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