Causes of learners’ misbehaviours at primary schools in the Makonde district, Zimbabwe: A stakeholders’ concerns
Academic performance , Misbehaviours, Parenting styles, stakeholders' concernsAbstract
Misbehaviours are one of the major problems rampant in primary schools and hinder the learners’ academic performance. Hence, it is a concern for all stakeholders. This study explores the causes of learners’ misbehaviours at primary schools in Makonde district, Zimbabwe. It also intended to determine factors that influence the leaners’ misbehaviours. It adopted a qualitative approach and interpretive paradigm. A descriptive survey research design was also employed. Two head teachers, ten teachers, and twenty learners were selected from two primary schools as participants in this study. Data was collected from questionnaires, observation, and document analysis. The results showed that learners’ misbehaviours could be caused due to poor parenting, peer pressure, mass media influence, permissive school environments, drug abuse, home background, and the social environments where learners live. The results revealed that learners’ misbehaviours lead to poor academic performance, as learners who misbehaved always perform badly academically. This study recommended a collaborative effort between teachers and parents to curb misbehaviours. It further suggests using guidance and counselling in schools to reduce the rate of misbehaviours amongst primary school learners. It is recommended that further studies be conducted on the same topic but from a broader perspective.
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