The GAERPSY Publisher and IJSSE maintain a strict policy against plagiarism, and employ two methods to verify originality: a plagiarism prevention tool (Turnitin) and manual reviewer checks. All submissions undergo Turnitin checks before being forwarded to reviewers.

Each manuscript undergoes a similarity check using Turnitin Similarly Check software to ensure the originality of all submissions. This anti-plagiarism policy upholds high standards of originality in published articles.

Plagiarism Checking Policy

  • If the manuscript's originality exceeds 90%, it proceeds to review.
  • Originality between 80% to 90% requires authors to verify citation accuracy and references.
  • Below 80% originality results in rejection.

Plagiarism percentages are determined by software and reviewed manually as well.

Recommendations for Avoiding Plagiarism

  • Author (s) may use quotation marks for exact wording from sources,
  • Author (s) may maintain the integrity of quoted text within the sentence context,
  • Author (s) may use single quotation marks within a quote,
  • Author (s) may indicate omitted parts of quotes with ellipses (a space and three periods).
  • Author (s) may bracket any added words.
  • Author (s) may minimise direct quotations by paraphrasing or summarising using original wording.

Author (s) must obtain copyright permission to reproduce illustrations, tables, or figures from other sources, with permissions noted below each figure.


Author (s) may have contributed similar content across multiple publications. Each manuscript retains copyright upon publication, necessitating careful avoidance of self-plagiarism. Editors and reviewers consider self-plagiarism unethical and require the author (s) to refrain from repurposing his/her (their) work (s) without proper permission. Options include using quotation marks for brief excerpts and providing appropriate citations.