Exploring experiences and challenges of LGBT learners facing at South African schools in the Sekhukhune district
LGBT bullying, Grade 11 learners, Physical bullying, Emotional bullyingAbstract
This study investigates the experiences of LGBT learners regarding LGBT bullying in the Sekhukhune district. This study utilised a qualitative phenomenological study approach. It eomplyed semi-structured interviews as technique for data collection. Five LGBT learners were purposively selected from three secondary schools in the rural village of Sekhukhune, Limpopo province, South Africa. Their ages ranged from 14 to 17 year-old and faced continuous bullying at school and in his community, ultimately leading to his tragic death. The results showed that even minor instances of bullying is crucial to prevent them from escalating. This study recommends raising the awareness, dispel misconceptions, and educate communities and schools about LGBT issues. It gives all stakeholders a platform on how to eliminate and manage bullying in schools. This study is significant because it includes learners' perspectives, which are often overlooked in prior research.
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