Through the eyes of students and staff: The psychosocial drivers of violence in selected South African universities




Campus security, cultures of violence, higher education , mental health, socialisation, violence


Globally, universities have traditionally been viewed as sanctuaries of peace, devoid of violence. However, the increase in campus-related violence in South Africa has dispelled this assumption. Recently, there has been a rise in the incidence of murders, violent protests, and self-directed violence at several universities in South Africa, raising alarm among stakeholders in university education. Against this background and underpinned by Sameroff’s Transactional Model of Development, this study set out to explore the psychosocial drivers of violence at three South African universities from the perspectives of students and staff. To achieve this, the study employed a qualitative approach and a multiple case-study design, selecting participants through convenience sampling. Data were collected using semi-structured online interviews with students and lecturers at the three universities. The findings revealed a range of factors, including substance abuse, mental health issues, upbringing and background, and peer influences, as the principal psychosocial factors driving violence at the universities. The study, therefore, concluded that although violence is a complexly interwoven phenomenon, if universities are to reclaim their reputations as peaceful societies, there is an urgent need for all stakeholders in higher education to collaborate and address violence from diverse perspectives.


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How to Cite

Mutongoza, B. H., & Hendricks, E. A. (2025). Through the eyes of students and staff: The psychosocial drivers of violence in selected South African universities. Interdisciplinary Journal of Management Sciences, 2(1), a05.