Caring for the elderly – a care ethics approach


  • Laetus OK Lategan Central University of Technology, South Africa


Hierdie artikel het as oogmerk die inleiding van die debat rondom die kerk se rol en verantwoordelikheid om ’n bydrae te lewer tot die gesondheidsorg van geriatriese mense in die lig van ’n ouerwordende gemeenskap. Die artikel fokus op die bydrae wat die kerk kan lewer tot die gesondheidsorg van geriatriese mense. Die argument word verder gevoer dat hierdie bydrae deur sorgetiek kan plaasvind. Sorgetiek is die etiek van elke dag se sorg. Die fokus is om etiese uitdagings in die
praktyk aan te spreek.
Diè studie beklemtoon die realiteit van ’n ouerwordende gemeenskap en die impak wat dit op die gemeenskap sal hê, in besonder gesondheidsorg. Uit die navorsing is dit duidelik dat geriatriese mense deur hierdie laaste lewensfase begelei wil word. Al is daar geen begeerte vir die einde van lewe bystand nie, is dit nie ’n onderwerp wat geïgnoreer kan word nie. Die standpunt word ingeneem dat die kerk ’n rol te speel het in die versorging van geriatriese mense, alhoewel dit nie ’n gefokusde navorsingsarea is nie. Dit word deur die Suid-Afrikaanse e-publikasie databasis bevestig.
Die konstruktiewe rol wat godsdiens, geloof, spiritualiteit en teologie kan speel in die versorging van bejaardes word verder beklemtoon. Die bydraes van Geybels en Van Stichel, Schotsmans en Burggraeve word gebruik om die kerk se rol in gesondheidsorg toe te lig. Die uitkoms van die navorsing beklemtoon vier sake: (a) Die kern van gesondheidsorg is om vir brose mense te sorg. (b) Geriatriese mense word deur hulle omstandighede gedefinieer. (c) Die verhouding tussen
geriatriese mense en sorggewers is deur sorg. (d) Sorg is meer as om net na die fisiese behoeftes van mense om te sien.

This paper is a contribution intended to introduce the debate on the church’s role and responsibility in contributing to the healthcare of the elderly in view of the reality of a growing elderly community. This paper will focus on the contribution that the church can make towards the healthcare of elderly people. The argument is presented that this contribution can be made through care ethics. Care ethics is defined as the ethics of everyday care. Its focus is on addressing ethical matters in practice.
This study outlines the reality of an increasing community of the elderly and the impact that this will have on society, and in particular, on healthcare. From research it is evident that elderly people want to be guided through this last stage of their lives. Even if there is no desire to be assisted in the ending of life, this is not a topic that should be ignored.
An argument has been presented that the church has a role to play in the healthcare of the elderly, even though, as confirmed by South African e-publication data bases, this role has not been the focus of research. The constructive role that religion, faith, spirituality and theology can play in healthcare is further highlighted. The contributions by Geybels and Van Stichel, as well as Schotsmans and Burggraeve, are used to inform the church’s role in healthcare. The outcome of the research defines four pointers: (a) The core of healthcare is caring for vulnerable people.(b) Elderly people are defined by their circumstances. (c) Relationship building between the elderly and the care-givers is through care. (d) Care
is more than merely attending to the physical needs of the other.



How to Cite

Lategan, L. O. (2019). Caring for the elderly – a care ethics approach. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 55(3), 85-105. Retrieved from



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