Kerk en belydenis
Die verhouding tussen Kerk en Belydenis is aan die een kant vanselfsprekend. Die kerk is gebou op die belydenis (Matt. 16). Aan die ander kant is dit ? onderwerp wat telkens weer na vore kom en waaroor kerke in die Reformatoriese tradisie telkens weer moet besin, omdat die band tussen kerk en belydenis telkens bevraag teken of bedreig word. Die vraag is of die tradisioneel-reformatoriese siening van die verhouding tussen kerk en belydenis steeds gehandhaaf kan word. Die kerk self is ? geloofsaak soos onder andere in Nicea en Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis, Art. 27-32 bely word. In die Bybel self word kerk en belydenis onlosmaaklik aan mekaar verbind (vgl. o.a. Matt. 16:18, Ef. 2:20, 1 Tim. 3:15). In die Gereformeerde teologie is hierdie band dan ook steeds gehand haaf. Die belydenis is deel van die wese van die kerk. Aspekte wat hierdie verhouding in die huidige tyd bedreig, is onder andere die postmoderne tydsgees, standpunte van teoloë, veranderde kerk begrip, skeiding tussen geloof en wetenskap, ens. Die enigste ant woord vir kerke van die Reformatoriese tradisie is die onverswakte handhawing van die band tussen kerk en belydenis. Daarsonder het die kerk geen toekoms nie.
On the one hand the relationship between Church and Confession speaks for itself. The church is built on the confession (Matt. 16). On the other hand it is a subject that returns time and time again and has to be dealt with by churches of the Reformed tradition. Through out history, as is the case today, this relationship has been threatened. The question is whether the traditional reformed view can still be maintained. The church itself is a matter of faith (Cf the Nicean creed and Belgic Confession, Art. 27-32). In Scripture the unity of church and confession is proclaimed, inter alia in Matt. 16:18, Ephes, 2:20 and 1 Tim 3:15. In Reformed theology the same unity has always been maintained. The confession belongs to the essence of the church. However, this relationship is threatened today by aspects like the postmodern worldview, certain theological viewpoints, changed views on the church, a separation of science and faith, etc. The only answer for the churches in the Reformed tradition is to maintain the relationship between church and Confession. Without that, there is no future for the church.
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