An evaluation of different kinds of spirituality


  • A. C. Jacobs North-West University, South Africa


Is alle soorte spiritualiteite gelyk? Spiritualiteit het ? belangrike konsep in ons samelewing geword. Dit blyk wel dat daar ? tekort aan duidelike definisies is en behalwe vir hierdie tekortkoming bestaan daar ook verskeie spiritualiteite. Hierdie artikel verken die verskillende spiritualiteite asook hulle agtergronde en ondersoek die vraag of hulle almal as ewe geldig beskou kan word. Drie kriteria is ontwikkel en toegepas op die verskillende spiritualiteite om hulle te evalueer. Dit blyk dat baie van hierdie spiritualiteite asook hulle toepassing in die daaglikse lewe binne ? post-modernistiese wêreldbeskouing gegrond is, wat soos gewys sal word, nie sonder probleme is nie.

Are all kinds of spiritualities equal? Spirituality has become an important concept in our society. However, it seems that there is a lack of clear definition and various different spiritualities exist. This article explores these different spiritualities and their backgrounds and considers the question whether all should be considered equally valid. Three criteria to evaluate different spiritualities are developed and applied to these different kinds of spiritualities. It appears that many of these different spiritualities and the application thereof in daily life is rooted in a post-modern understanding of the world. This is, however, not without problems as will be shown.



How to Cite

Jacobs, A. C. (2013). An evaluation of different kinds of spirituality. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 49(3), 143-180. Retrieved from



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