The construction of the identity of a Mathematics teacher and the influence of a Christian belief system: a narrative inquiry


  • G. M. Steyn University of South Africa


Hierdie studie werp lig op die invloed wat ? Christelike geloofstelsel het op ? jong wiskunde-onderwyseres se ontwikkeling van ? professionele identiteit. Die betrokke onderwyseres, Alice, gee wiskunde by ? Suid-Afrikaanse laerskool. Die studie volg ? kwalitatiewe benadering en maak veral gebruik van ? narratiewe ondersoek om te toon hoe Alice haar storie konstrueer aan die hand van Dewey se twee beginsels van ervaring en Clandinin se metafories driedimensionele ondersoekruimte. Die hoofdatabronne wat gebruik is, is Alice se skriftelike beskrywing van haar identiteit en ? persoonlike onderhoud. Toepaslike data uit vorige studies waaraan Alice deelgeneem het, is ook benut. Die storie illustreer haar ervarings as leerder, haar besluit om ? onderwyser te word en haar onderwyservaring in skole. Die invloed van haar Christelike geloofsoortuigings op haar praktyk illustreer veral die waarde van ? narratiewe ondersoek om die ontwikkeling van haar professionele identiteit te begryp.

This study elucidates the influence of a Christian belief system on the professional identity development of a young female Mathematics teacher in a South African primary school. It followed a qualitative approach, in particular a narrative inquiry, to show how the teacher constructed her story by means of Dewey’s two principles of experience and Clandininian metaphorical three-dimensional inquiry space. Data were mainly collected through a written account of her identity and a personal interview, although relevant data from previous studies in which the teacher had participated were included. The story illustrated this teacher’s experiences as a learner, her decision to become a teacher and her teaching experiences in schools. The influence of her Christian beliefs on her practice particularly illustrated the value of using a narrative inquiry to understand the development of the teacher’s professional identity.



How to Cite

Steyn, G. M. (2016). The construction of the identity of a Mathematics teacher and the influence of a Christian belief system: a narrative inquiry. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 52(3), 43-62. Retrieved from



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