Teachers’ perceptions of the dimensions of Hord’s professional learning model in relation to their principal’s expectations of collaboration


  • G. M. Steyn University of South Africa


Collaborative culture, Collaboration of teachers, Professional learning community, Hord's model, South African primary school


? Gevallestudie is gedoen om die persepsies van personeel in ? Suid-Afrikaanse skool met ? sterk Christelike grondslag te bepaal aangaande die bestaan van ? professionele leergemeenskap (PLG) met betrekking tot die verwagtinge van die skoolhoof in die implementering van hierdie gemeenskap. Dit het ? kwantitatiewe navorsingsontwerp ingesluit waarin Hord se model gebruik is om te bepaal hoedanig daar voldoen is aan die vyf dimensies van PLG. Hierdie dimensies het die volgende ingesluit: (1) gedeelde leierskap; (2) ? gedeelde visie en waardes; (3) individuele en gedeelde leer; (4) gedeelde praktyk; en (5) ondersteunende omstandighede. Die studie het ook ? kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp gebruik om die skoolhoof se verwagtinge ten opsigte van die dimensies te bepaal. Die bevindinge het aangetoon dat daar tot ? groot mate voldoen is aan dimensies van Hord se model volgens onderwysers se persepsies, wat gevolglik aan die verwagtinge van die skoolhoof voldoen het.

A case study was done to determine the perceptions of staff at a South African primary school with a strong Christian culture regarding the existence of a professional learning community (PLC) in relation to the expectations of the principal in implementing such a community. This involved a quantitative research design employing Hord’s model to investigate the teachers’ perceptions of how the five dimensions of the PLC were attained. These dimensions included: (1) shared leadership; (2) a shared vision and values; (3) individual and shared learning; (4) shared practice; and (5) supportive conditions. The study also used a qualitative research design to assess the expectations of the principal regarding these mentioned dimensions. The findings show that the dimensions of Hord’s model to a large extent were realised, according to the teachers, which therefore met the expectations of the principal as explained in the study.



How to Cite

Steyn, G. M. (2016). Teachers’ perceptions of the dimensions of Hord’s professional learning model in relation to their principal’s expectations of collaboration. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 52(1), 29-54. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/390



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