Tuisonderwys: ? Uitdagende alternatief vir hoofstroomonderwys in Suid-Afrika1


  • H. Olivier University of South Africa
  • E. Olivier University of South Africa


Nineteen years after the democratic elections took place in South Africa, the country is still in a process of change. The Department of Basic Education serves as one of the best examples of continuous change. Although home education was already established in South Africa before 1994, the exchange of ministers after 1994 in this Department, together with regular announcements of policy and curriculum changes, gave home education a boost as an established alternative for mainstream education in the country. Since 1996 the South African Schools Act made official provision for home education (homeschooling). This changed learning environment as a viable alternative for mainstream education gives parents the opportunity to think radically different about the education of their children. However, it also requires parents to making a paradigm shift – a change from their thinking about the old established ways of education to an innovative way of education. Many parents who have already switched over to home education, have not made this move (completely).
In this article the changes within Basic Education are discussed shortly, followed by a presentation of home education as an alternative. It closes with a proposal for an effective home education system (from grades 0 to 12). In order to establish home education as an effective system with international accepted standards (that may be higher than the current mainstream education system) – within a constantly changing world – the above looks like a necessary move. Constant research is needed though, together with the preparation and training of all role players.



How to Cite

Olivier, H., & Olivier, E. (2013). Tuisonderwys: ? Uitdagende alternatief vir hoofstroomonderwys in Suid-Afrika1. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 49(4), 237-274. Retrieved from



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