Die Kompromie in Etiese Perspektief


  • L. O. K. Lategan, Prof.


This article analyses the role of the compromise in ethics. A compromise has to do with the choice between two conflicting norms in a borderline situation. Since these norms are in conflict with each other a conflict of interest is created. It then necessitates a choice between one of the norms in a borderline situation. To this choice is referred to as a choice between the lesser of two evils. This is where the compromise comes into play. Six ethical issues are addressed to investigate how the compromise fits into ethics. These questions are asked: whether the compromise is a mechanical act?; how to identify the lesser of two evils?; does the compromise address a boarderline situation?; how to address guilt caused by a boaderline situation?; is the compromise an act of obedience? and can’t the compromise become an ethical lifestyle?



How to Cite

Lategan, L. O. K. (2006). Die Kompromie in Etiese Perspektief. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 42(3), 111-125. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/76



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