Die sendingimplikasies van Romeine 8:31-39


  • Pieter Verster University of the Free State, South Africa


Romeine 8:31-39 is ?n uitsonderlike loflied op God se liefde en sorg vir gelowiges. Die liefde van God is in Jesus Christus se dood, opstanding en oorwinning sigbaar. Juis daarom kan niks en niemand die gelowige van God se liefde skei nie en is hy en sy meer as oorwinnaars deur Hom wat hulle liefhet. Hierdie boodskap het besondere sendingimplikasies en kan uitgedra word aan mense om hulle op te roep tot geloof. Deur die kruis van Jesus word God se liefde sigbaar en word mense opgeroep tot bekering om juis daarin hierdie liefde te ervaar. Deur die opstanding word die liefde bevestig. Deur navolging van Jesus leef die kerk die liefde uit en roep ander op tot navolging.

The implications for mission of Romans 8:31-39

Romans 8:31-39 is an exceptional hymn of praise on God’s love and care for the believer. The love of God is evident in Jesus Christ’s death, resurrection and victory. Exactly therefore nothing and no-one can separate the believer from God’s love and is he or she more than conquerers through Him who loves them. This message has important implications for mission and can be proclaimed to people to call them to faith in Him. By the cross of Jesus his love is revealed and people are called to conversion in order to experience this love. The resurrection affirms this love. Following Jesus, the church exemplifies this love and calls others to also follow Jesus.



How to Cite

Verster, P. . (2020). Die sendingimplikasies van Romeine 8:31-39. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 56(1&2), 137-156. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/520