Miracle as a spiritual event and as a marketing tactic among neo-Charismatic churches: a comparative study


  • Rufus O. Adebayo Durban University of Technology, South Africa
  • Sylvia P. Zulu Durban University of Technology, South Africa


Services marketing, Physical evidence, Spirituality, Miracles, Church congregants, Dienste-bemarking, Fisiese bewyse, Geestelikheid/spiritualiteit, Wonderwerke, Kerklidmate


This article explores how neo-charismatic churches use miracles as spiritual events and as a marketing tactic to draw ‘unbelievers’ or ‘miracle seekers’ to church. This study examines the significance of miracles among neo-charismatic churches as a spiritual event and as a marketing tactic. The data is derived from interviews with Black and Indian research participants from Pentecostal churches based in the Phoenix area of Durban, South Africa. The data showed that miracles do play a major role in drawing unbelievers to church and thus boosting the numbers of congregation members. It is observed from the data analysis that the connection with God is miraculous or spiritual and the emotionality associated therewith cannot be compared to marketing. The use of evidence of a miracle as a marketing tactic to attract unbelievers has a positive association with marketing, but the results revealed that for the Word of God to be spiritually understood by the congregants, there must be a conscious and constant dependence upon the Holy Spirit. This study recommends that the church should master the concept of services marketing, particularly when marketing characteristics of church services like miracles to congregants.

Hierdie artikel ondersoek hoedat neo-Charismatiese kerke wonderwerke as geestelike gebeurtenisse gebruik, veral as ?n bemarkingstaktiek om ‘ongelowiges’ of ‘wonderwerksoekers’ kerk toe te lok. Die gewigtigheid van wonderwerke onder die neo-Charismatiese kerke as ?n geestelike gebeurtenis, sowel as ?n bemarkingstaktiek, word ondersoek. Die gegewens is verkry deur middel van onderhoude met Swart en Indiër navorsingsdeelnemers van Pinksterkerke geleë in die Phoenix- omgewing van Durban, Suid-Afrika. Die gegewens toon dat wonderwerke wel ?n belangrike rol speel om ongelowiges kerk toe te lok en sodoende die getalle van die gemeentelede te verhoog. Uit die gegewens word afgelei dat die kontak met God wonderbaarlik of geestelik is en dat die emosionaliteit wat daarmee gepaard gaan, nie met bemarking vergelyk kan word nie. Die klaarblyklikheid van die gebruik van wonderwerke as bemarkingstaktiek om ongelowiges te trek, toon ?n positiewe ooreenkoms met bemarking, maar die resultate openbaar dat vir die gemeente om die Woord van God geestelik te verstaan, daar ?n bewustelike en volgehoue afhanklikheid van die Heilige Gees teenwoordig moet wees. Die studie beveel aan dat die kerk die konsep van kerkdiens-bemarking sal moet bemeester, in besonder wanneer kenmerke soos wonderwerke aan gemeentes bemark word.



How to Cite

Adebayo, R. O., & Zulu, S. P. (2019). Miracle as a spiritual event and as a marketing tactic among neo-Charismatic churches: a comparative study. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 55(1&2), 105-125. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/456



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