George Harinck and Brant M Himes (Editors): Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Neo Calvinism in Dialogue: Perspectives in Public Theology


  • Steve Bishop Independant Researcher, Presteigne, Wales


What has Bonhoeffer to say to Kuyper and Bavinck? What has Amsterdam to say to Breslau? Is it plausible to describe Bonhoeffer as a “Reformational Christian”? These are some of the questions explored in this volume.






How to Cite

Bishop, S. (2024). George Harinck and Brant M Himes (Editors): Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Neo Calvinism in Dialogue: Perspectives in Public Theology. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 60(1&2), 211 - 213. Retrieved from

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