Cameron D Clausing: Theology and History in the Methodology of Herman Bavinck: Revelation, Confession, and Christian Consciousness (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology


  • Steve Bishop Independant Researcher, Presteigne, Wales


Theology and History in the Methodology of Herman Bavinck is the revised version of Clausing’s doctoral thesis of 2021: “‘Christian dogmatic does not yet exist': the influence of the nineteenth century Historical Turn on the theological methodology of Herman Bavinck” (University of Edinburgh) supervised by James Eglinton.



How to Cite

Bishop, S. . (2024). Cameron D Clausing: Theology and History in the Methodology of Herman Bavinck: Revelation, Confession, and Christian Consciousness (Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 60(1&2), 99 - 101. Retrieved from