A Biblical-theological approach to promote evangelism in disadvantaged and poor communities in South Africa: A missiological viewpoint


  • Fazel Freeks North-West University, South Africa


Biblical-theological, Approach, Promote, Evangelism, Disadvantaged, Poor communities, South Africa, Missiological study


Hierdie artikel stel ? bybelse-teologiese en missiologiese benadering tot evangelisasie in benadeelde en arm gemeenskappe voor, en dit is daarom belangrik dat die missio-Dei perspektief die sleutel tot alle areas in hierdie artikel sal wees. Missie is die besorgdheid van die Drie-enige God, die Vader, Seun en Heilige Gees, vir sy hele skepping. Die Vader het die Seun gestuur en die Seun het die Heilige Gees gestuur. Deur Jesus Christus en deur die Heilige Gees verenig God mense van elke stam, nasie, koninkryk en taal vir sy eie glorie om Hom vir ewig in die Nuwe Wêreld te aanbid. Die Evangelie van Jesus Christus moet verkondig word. Daarom is dit noodsaaklik dat kerke heelhartig aan die missie van God in die wêreld moet deelneem. Die kerk is die instrument van God om sy koninkryk in alle dele van die lewe te verkondig. Gelowiges moet getrou wees aan die roeping van God deur Jesus te volg en deel te neem aan die missio Dei, om liefde, hoop en vrede na ? verlore en gebroke wêreld te bring. God het mense gekies om sy koninkryk te bou en Hy seën hulle om ? seën te wees vir al die nasies van die aarde. Die koninkryk genees en bring uiteindelik versoening tussen God en die mensdom en God se hele skepping.

This article suggests a biblical-theological and missiological approach of evangelism in disadvantaged and poor communities. Therefore, it is important that the missio-Dei perspective is key to all areas within this article. Mission is the concern of the Triune God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for the whole of His creation. The Father sent the Son and the Son sent the Holy Spirit. Through Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit, God, for His own glory, unite people from every tribe, nation,  kingdom, and language to worship Him forever in the New World. The Gospel of Jesus Christ must be proclaimed. Therefore, it is crucial that churches should wholeheartedly partake in the mission of God in the world. The church is the instrument of God to proclaim his kingdom in all parts of life. Believers should be faithful to the calling of God by following Jesus and partaking in the missio Dei, bringing love, hope and peace to a lost broken world. God chose people to build his kingdom and he blesses them in order to be a blessing to all the nations of the earth. The kingdom heals and ultimately brings reconciliation between God’s humanity and God’s whole creation.



How to Cite

Freeks, F. (2019). A Biblical-theological approach to promote evangelism in disadvantaged and poor communities in South Africa: A missiological viewpoint. Tydskrif Vir Christelike Wetenskap | Journal for Christian Scholarship, 54(4), 219-245. Retrieved from https://pubs.ufs.ac.za/index.php/tcw/article/view/440



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